Boys and flowers….bet you didn’t expect those two to go in a sentence together! This little man has a little obsession with flowers. It may have been the newest word he had learned to say. If you presented him with a flower (or grass, or a leaf) he would declare “fwower!” and immediately sniff it. Very very cute! He also did NOT want to sit still. Can you tell?
We kept him busy looking for flowers, and aeroplanes in the sky. The occasional siren going past also helped distract him. Oh, to have his energy!
On the other hand, this little Miss was very willing to pose for photos and show me what she could do!
If your littlest ones are at a very cute stage (and lets face it, all stages have something cute about them), lets freeze time and capture it in photos, before the stage passes. Call me on 0438 876 359 or shoot me an email to and work out the details. (A park, your house, the ice-cream shop, the library…..) If you’d like to know more about sessions, click here.
Angela x
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